Course unit on PETRHA+ at TAMK

During the year 2019-2020, Tiina Pystynen and Maria Maljanen, physiotheray teachers at TAMK involved in the project, organised a course unit focused on PETRHA+ (on 1 ECTS) for their students in 2nd and 2rd year.

Cases of the cardiovasculardiseases were also used in studies of the physiotherapy of the cardio patients.

Here is some feedbacks from the students:

“Through the Petrha project (the course), it has been possible to think better about the importance of the right kind of tests and questions and their interpretation. Through cases of the game, it has also been possible to consider the importance of clinical reasoning and what it means in physiotherapy work. What needs to be investigated and what it’s not important. »

“The course project has helped me to expand my own test batteries and find the right questions. Setting different goals was easier after the course.”

“I have received a confidence to my clinical reasoning and learned to find the cause-effect relationships after the course. The prioritization and arrangement of things has become clearer. The game has offered many good and different opportunities to train clinical reasoning.” 

“Playing the Petrha game developed my skill of clinical reasoning.”

« My understanding of the ICF classification and its practical significance has expanded. I will be able to categorize the challenges of the patient’s life, with a clearer progress from initial goals towards the main goals. »

« Through the Petrha project, the structure of the ICF classification has been greatly improved and now I understand and know what ICF means. ICF makes it easier to build therapy goals. »

« Through the project, the ICF structure is more clear to me now. »

« The course as a whole has greatly helped to conceive the importance of ICF classification and concretised the clinical reasoning and the whole physiotherapy process. »



Au cours de l’année 2019-2020, Tiina Pystynen et Maria Maljanen, professeures de physiothérapie à TAMK impliquées sur le projet, ont mis en place une Unité d’Enseignement centrée sur PETRHA+ pour leurs étudiants de 2ème et 3ème année, comptant pour 1 ECTS.

Des cas cliniques de maladies cardiovasculaires du jeu ont également été utilisés dans des cours de physiothérapie sur des patients en cardiologie.